Emergencies happen every day. Being prepared can greatly increase the likelihood of a successful outcome. If you believe your pet is having an emergency, please immediately contact your family veterinarian or emergency veterinary hospital before administering a home therapy. Common emergencies include but are not limited to the following:
- Seizures or collapse
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Difficulty breathing or excessive panting
- Abnormal gum color (pale or bluish/gray or bright red)
- Abnormal skin appearance
- Abnormal urination behavior
- Bloat
- Wounds, trauma or abnormal bleeding
- Disorientation, lethargy, weakness
- Allergic reactions
- Lameness
- Toxicities
In case of an emergency, you should have your veterinarian's office phone number and emergency contact number posted in a convenient location near the phone. You should also list the phone number and location of the nearest veterinary emergency clinic.