Leave a legacy, help save pets like Cricket and Hogan.
Because of generous, forward-thinking friends like you, pets in need of lifesaving and life-enhancing veterinary care will have access to the specialty and emergency treatments they need. Your personal legacy will help save the lives of critically ill and injured pets whose owners cannot afford the cost of treatments and further the mission of Frankie’s Friends well into the future.
Your support will allow Frankie’s Friends to help more pets like Cricket who received lifesaving care after surviving a venomous rattlesnake bite.
“Thank you for all you do and the help you provide. It truly is a relief and I am filled with gratitude!” – Cricket’s Family
Donations to Frankie’s Friends helped Hogan receive surgery his owners couldn’t afford as a result of COVID-19.
“I have always kept funds aside for his care, but COVID-19 has left me hanging by my fingernails. Thank you, with all my heart.” – Hogan’s Family
Make an Immediate Impact
Family pets need your help. Over the years, you have read many stories from Frankie’s Friends about the beloved pets we help save and the families we keep together as a result. Pets like Dakota, who you may remember from Brooklyn, New York, who was attacked by an unleashed dog and needed life-saving surgery that was both extensive and costly to save her life.
Dakota would not have had an opportunity to live her best life without the financial grant from Frankie’s Friends. That happened because of you, and it is because of you that we are expanding our giving options to include planned giving.
Now, the question for you becomes, “what do you want to do with the wealth you have acquired by working your whole life? Where do you want that money to go?” Do you want to leave a legacy at Frankie’s Friends where pets like Dakota can return to their loving families when they face a life threatening injury or illness to a loving, caring home?
As Angela, a Frankie’s Friends legacy donor says,
“I want to make a loving contribution to society to help save animals. So many charities help people, but animals, especially family pets, are my passion because I love my pets like family. Frankie’s Friends is the perfect place for me to make an impactful gift that can be utilized long after I have passed on to accomplish the goals that are important to me.”
What will your legacy to society be?
Like Angela, we hope you will consider Frankie’s Friends in your estate planning to further our mission of helping to provide lifesaving care for family pets like Dakota and many, many others.
One of the easiest and most common ways for you to support Frankie’s Friends is with a gift of cash.
By making a gift of cash, check, credit card or money order today, you enable us to meet our most urgent needs and carry out our mission on a daily basis. If you itemize your deductions, your gift also results in an upfront charitable contribution deduction which may be claimed up to 60% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). Any unused deduction may be carried forward up to five subsequent years, subject to the same 60% of AGI limitation.
Give a gift of property and help save the lives of pets in need. You may donate appreciated assets, such as real estate, stocks, or bonds to Frankie’s Friends.
You may donate your personal residence, all or part of your vacation home, commercial property, farm, or other real estate to Frankie’s Friends.
Avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated stock. Receive a charitable income tax deduction. Help save pets’ lives.
Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets is an excellent way to make a gift to Frankie’s Friends.
If you have a whole or universal life insurance policy that has outlived its original purpose you may wish to consider making a gift of that policy to Frankie’s Friends.
A charitable bequest is one of the easiest and most flexible ways that you can leave a gift to Frankie’s Friends to make a lasting impact for pets in need.
If you are age 70 1/2 or older, you may direct your IRA custodian to distribute any amount (up to $100,000 annually) to Frankie’s Friends.
A common objection to any type of charitable giving is that it deprives family members of the value of the donated asset. The problem can be overcome by coupling a charitable remainder trust (CRT) with another type of trust utilizing life insurance.
This is not legal advice. The contained information is intended to provide an overview of planned giving opportunities. Every individual is strongly encouraged to seek the advice of his personal and financial counselors to determine the effects of the included individual scenarios on his/her personal financial situation. A conversation with your accountant and/or attorney (or both) is recommended prior to making any decision.
To ensure compliance and adherence with ElderLaw requirements, Frankie’s Friends advises seniors to talk to their lawyer or accountant about their philanthropic decision prior to finalizing, or making any gift irrevocable to the foundation.
Thank you for considering becoming a donor supporting Frankie’s Friends Planned Giving Program. Should you have any questions please contact Lisa Bricker, National Development Director, at:
lisa.bricker@frankiesfriends.com or by calling 813.682.1346