Thank you for the generous donation for Kaiser’s chemotherapy treatment. Kaiser was diagnosed with T-Cell lymphoma and was only given two to four more months to live. I was pretty devastated when I found out how much chemotherapy would cost. This gift has given Kaiser a chance at a couple of more months of quality of life that he wouldn’t be able to have without chemotherapy. Kaiser has been a part of my life since he was six-months-old. He is my first dog, and he has helped me grow throughout the years. He has taught me responsibility and how to appreciate the simple things in life. He always knew when to distract me with his goofiness to take a break from writing a stressful paper or when he thought I was studying too hard. Kaiser has also taught me patience because he chooses to listen only to me because he has “Siberian husky selective hearing.”

Because of your donation, Kaiser will continue to be his mischievous self at the dog park for many months to come. He will continue to “talk” and argue with me when he doesn’t agree. He will continue to teach his baby sister Kira the rules of the house because she has much to learn. He will enjoy another winter of snow; and his favorite, he will enjoy many more nights of sitting outside on the steps with me, just sniffing the air and enjoying life.

We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and none of it would be possible without your gift to us. Kaiser and I are unbelievably grateful. Again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Happy Holidays!


Mary & Kaiser