Dear Dr. Agnes Varis,
When I took Mylo and Mia home with me, they not only took a place in my heart but also in my mother’s heart. My mother was living with my husband and I at the time, her health was not great. She became alive when I showed her the puppies and from that moment on, they took care of each other. My dear mother died of pancreatic cancer on Mother’s Day in 2007 and my two dogs were such a comfort to me after her passing. We lost Mia to cancer one year after my mother’s death. Mylo suffered a lot also when Mia died.
When Mylo got sick, all of the pain of losing my mother and Mia came back. It was such a difficult time and we couldn't afford to help him.
Mylo is a faithful companion, a fierce guard, a grateful friend and a reminder of my dear mother. He means so much to me and my husband. There are no words to express our gratitude for the wonderful gift that we are receiving. I am asking God, with all my heart, to bless you and to keep you safe and in good health. May He return you a thousand fold for your generosity to total strangers and their beloved pets.
Mylo's family October 6, 2009