I would like to say thank you so very much for the wonderful gift of chemotherapy treatments you have given to my dear and gentle cat, Magic. I adopted Magic eight years ago after hearing about a group of feral cats that were about to be trapped and taken to the shelter to be killed. When I got him he was scared, skinny and very wild. However, with love and patience, he soon blossomed into the sweetest and most charming of cats, and is a cherished member of my family.
Magic often sits on the couch with me and does the cutest thing - he looks up at me, straight into my eyes, purrs and then puts his little paw onto my leg. It is as if he is saying, "I love and trust you, Mama!" So you can imagine my devastation when I learned that he had intestinal lymphoma and that I could not afford the treatments to help him. I felt that I was letting my little friend down. With your generous gift, however, I am able to do all that can be done for Magic and we both appreciate it more than words can say.
He has had two chemo treatments so far and is doing great!
Dina and Magic