I want to take the time to thank you for listening to Hunter’s story and for helping us at a time when we need it the most. When Hunter was diagnosed with mammary cancer, I was devastated.  The thought of potentially losing my best friend of 12 years truly frightened me. Will Hunter be okay? Is it worth proceeding with treatment? How will I be able to afford this? .

The silver lining in all of this was that her cancer was caught in its early stages; she had a fighting chance.  Hearing about Frankie’s Friends and The Zeus Varis fund, and the amazing work they do for pets and their families, gave me hope. It wouldn’t be easy, but I knew things would get better.

Six weeks have passed since Hunter’s initial diagnosis. She has a ways to go in her chemo treatment but she is thriving! She has a positive prognosis and she’s still spry--not bad for a 12-year-old cat.

Hunter is very special to me. The fact that a part of the financial burden has been lifted means that I can be there for her at a time when she needs me the most.  I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and assistance. Hunter thanks you as well!!

With Warm Regards,

Elena & Hunter

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