To the Zeus Varis Fund:
Thank you so much for your generous donation for my cat Button's cancer treatment. Around the end of October, I was petting Button and felt a round growth under the skin on her back. It felt suspicious and I brought her into my local vet. After an expensive suregery where two tumors, plus a lymph node under her chin were removed and sent out for biopsy, the diagnosis came back as lymphoma.
This was devastating to me. I had just lost my cat Sid to lymphoma in August, and to think that I woud be losing Button also was hard to take. To complicate matters, my husband had recently lost his job, and because his hours had previously been cut back, he was receiving a lower amount of unemployment compensation. My hours were also cut at my job to three days a week. My husband needs to have surgery and will be hospitalized. I am employed as a contractor and do not have benefits where I work.
The local vet who did Button's surgery suggested that I take Button to Dr Brooke Britton at BluePearl Veterinary Practice to see if anything could be done for Button. I took Button to the Brooklyn office. Dr Britton was very nice and caring, and thought that Button would benefit from a protocol of chemo-therapy. Because of our present financial situation, I would never have been able to afford the cost of the chemo-therapy. I love Button and wanted so much to help her. Dr Britton suggested that I contact Frankie's Friends, to apply for a grant that Dr Britton would recommend Button for, and I did this.
I'm thrilled that Button was Ok'd for the grant and that I will be able to bring her in for treatment. She will have her first chemo visit next week. I can't thank you enough for making this possible.