To the ridiculously generous benefactors at Frankie's Friends, this past Monday we were able to take our dear sweet boy Lucy (yes Lucy the boy cat, long story. Haha) home alive and well thanks to Frankie's Friends. Your organization contributed over $2000 to cover his hospital stay, without this assistance we may have been faced with an unthinkable decision. The past few months have been very difficult for us. Lucy has required so much unexpected medical attention due to his advanced heart disease. This has completely exhausted our funds and we barely have enough to get by.
My husband Dylan and I love our pets so much and will compromise many things to ensure their well being but we were beginning to hit a crossroads where it was his health or being able to cover our monthly expenses. This was made all the harder since only a few short weeks ago we had to put his darling brother from the same litter Mango down due to his advanced cancer. These cats mean the world to us. They were a gift to me on my 13th birthday from my father who is no longer with us. Now, as I approach my 29th birthday I am not so crazy to think that they could live forever; however, after losing Mango it made the need to fight for Lucy's life all the stronger. This past visit seemed like such a simple solution, he wasn't eating the doctors said it could have been a few things but he just needed an NG tube to feed him a day or two and he'd be fine. The trouble was we really could not afford another few thousand dollars.
Lucy is now at home and recovering beautifully: eating like his little piggy self again! Without Frankie's Friends we would have had to say goodbye to a second beloved family member in a month. There are no words to say what this organization means to my little family. I hope so much for my husband and I to be in a stronger financial situation in the future so we may pay it forward.
I have attached a few photos of the little fella you saved. There's even one of him signing his paperwork from Frankie's Friends! Haha. The other cat pictured is Mango, the one we recently lost.
This just doesn't feel right without being able to hug the crap outta ya. (Sorry, when I'm really honest, I'm not so classy.) I'm a hugger and if I ever get the chance to meet any of you I'm warning you that involuntary bear hugs will happen. :-)