Dear Zeus Varis Fund: Our Yorkie Ginger has been more than just a friend or a dog over the years. She is a part of our family. A lot of people say things like that about their pet, but to us Ginger is different. In some ways she's a dog like any dog; she gets excited for treats, she barks at strangers, she poops on the floor when her tummy is upset. But she also wakes us up in the night just to lick our faces. She does dances when she's happy. She farts herself awake before sprinting away from the unknown danger behind her. She head-bangs her face like a rock star into towels and carpets when she is wet from the bath or the rain. She grunts with pleasure while eating furiously despite the fact there are no other dogs competing for her food. She puts on a show for us every day in one way or another, and everyone that meets her is completely taken with her cuteness. When we walk her, we have half-hour conversations about her on the street with total strangers. There is more personality inside her 6-pound frame than there is inside many actual humans, or so I'd guess. The point is we love our Ginger. So much.
And she's a super-hero fighter dog. She fights cancer every day. She's unflappable. Despite our heartbreak when we learned of her condition, things are looking up thanks to the generosity of Frankie’s Friends. Ginger is doing very well and showing us every indication that she will continue fighting and staying healthy. Her doctors are amazing, her prognosis is good, and we are very aware of how lucky we are to have this opportunity. We talk about this every day. Without the assistance from the noble and compassionate people at FF, we simply would not be able to afford the cost of Ginger's treatment. Our most heartfelt thanks go out to those who run this organization, and to those who generously contribute. You are giving us precious time with our beloved friend Ginger, and it's impossible to describe how much this means to us as a family.
Thank you. Bless you all.