I want to express my gratitude for the help we have received from this amazing foundation Frankie's Friends. Mindy is a very special pet to us. She's more than just a pet she is a part of the union which makes our family. When we adopted our little girl Kylie, we decided to get her a best friend as we were moving to a new state, from Massachusetts to Florida. So we got Mindy. Boy have they had fund these past 6 months! They have the same energy, and Kylie, who's quite the fashionista, loves dressing her up and Mindy seems to really enjoy it. Lol!! They make the best duo. When Mindy was hit by the car and we found out she might need an amputation, we were devastated. We cried with Kylie, we felt like we had failed Mindy and Kylie. We have been financially strapped due to our moving and I had just started working and than found out the agency which is non-profit was having financial difficulties and my hours had been cut, and Jose is a disable veteran so his income is limited as well, so money at this point in time was very scarce. When the doctor told us what the surgery might cost we were just thrown aback. It seemed that the only option would be amputation, even if repairing her leg was a possibility. We were so horribly heartbroken. The staff at BluePearl were AMAZING!! They felt the love we have for our Mindy, they consoled us like we were family, they took such good care of Kylie and made sure she wasn't scared, they showed such caring for Mindy and us as a family. I can't thank them enough. They are absolutely awesome. What a special place that is!

We were there for a few hours, just trying to figure out what to do. Amputation just seemed like such a cruel thing to do, when there was another option, but how would we get the money. It seemed impossible. Than Dr. Lee came in and said she had been making calls and seeing how much we love Mindy and our heartbreak was such, she felt compelled to help us. She told us about Frankie's Friends. What an amazing sense of hope we got. We felt as if the world that had fallen on us had been lifted. We couldn't believe that such an amazing group was there to help us. We cried some more, but this time from happiness, from gratitude. Our prayers for Mindy were answered in a matter of an hour. How amazing God was that He uses these wonderful people to do such good. I will forever be indebted to BluePearl, Drs. Lee and Salas, and the whole staff, and most especially Frankie's Friends for the blessing they have shared with us. I pledge to pay it forward as soon as financially possible, and that is a promise.

Here are a few picture of our precious Mindy. Please share on the website or facebook as well as our story.

Again thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I can't say it enough.