Stormi’s favorite thing is to cuddle with his big brother Salem and groom each other.
Me gustaría agradecer de toda la ayuda que me dar porque para mi Luna no es un animal para mi Luna es mi hija canina y me gustaría poder tenerla por muchos años más junto a mi.
He may not have many years left but we want him around for however longer we can get and your help did that.
Words cannot express the depth of gratitude I feel for your generosity and kindness.
Myself and my son thank you
She has brought us so much joy, she is dear, precious and just the sweetest little thing.
Frankie’s Friends’ Joshua Louis Animal Cancer Fund helped Riley get chemotherapy for lymphoma.
“We cannot begin to tell you how much it means to be able to provide Riley the critical care necessary to extend his life and give him a chance for a bright future. We adopted Riley & his brother, Hunter, during the pandemic and they immediately became the center of our lives as pet parents. We adore them, they are our family, and we’re determined to give them a great life! We were so devastated when we found out he has cancer at only 3 years old. Working with his doctors with help from life-saving organizations like Frankie’s Friends, hope has been restored and prayers answered that we may be able to give Riley the life he deserves. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”
I appreciate the help and I’m so grateful for Frankie's Friends’s financial support allowing Axel to receive all his needed chemo treatments.
There truly aren't words for how grateful and appreciative we are of receiving such a miracle
I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your generous donation towards the life-saving surgery for our beloved dog, Cutie. Your kindness and support have not only helped us afford the critical medical care needed but have also given us hope during this challenging time.
Words cannot explain how grateful I am.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for providing us with the chance for them to continue to grow up together.
Saving him is saving us both and nothing can convince me that you are not answered prayers.
Your foundation is the blessing we need to get our boy back to his cheerful life.
She is my constant companion and my best friend.
It mean so much to us to have Bagel come home with us instead of having to put him down.
I would like to thank you for your generous contribution, our family and Sheeba greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
Opal received an FHO surgery with the help of Frankie’s Friends’ Vet Care for Rescues Grant Program.
We're deeply grateful for the opportunity to receive assistance for Montana, a loving dog in our care who faces a significant challenge with a large dermoid in his left eye.
Just thinking back about how many dogs we have been able to save off the euthanasia list with the support of Frankie's Friends makes us ever so thankful of the organization.