Frankie's Friends received this wonderful thank-you after we funded treatment through our Zeus Varis Fund for Mindy, who has since passed away following treatment for her aggressive cancer:
Dear Dr. Varis and Frankie's Friends,
Words cannot express the gratitude my family and I have towards you for helping us to pay for my cat, Mindy's cancer treatment. Without your help, we never would have been able to afford the treatment she needs.
We first got Mindy about eight years ago, and we think she may only have been a year old at the time. She was certainly playful and mischievous, even for a cat. But more than that, she had a certain comical nature about her, and it was very funny to watch her interact with my childhood kitten, who was a much older, grumpier cat by this time. In many ways, watching the two of them interact was very much like watching an old episode of Abbott and Costello.
Like a human being, Mindy matured as she got older, and that was especially the case after she gave birth to her litter. Once they were born, it was almost like she knew her time of carefree, childhood playfulness was over. She became a more reserved, more serious cat, and devoted her full attention to them.
It was a big disappointment to us when she was diagnosed with one of the most aggressive forms of cancer, and we didn't know how we would ever afford the treatment she needs. Of course, the vet suggested putting her to sleep, but I've always found it particularly distasteful to put an animal to sleep when the technology exists to save its life. Thanks to your kind help and the help of the people at Frankie's Friends, we are able to afford all the treatment Mindy needs. The people at Frankie's Friends have shown my family extreme kindness and understanding of what we have been going through. Words cannot express our gratitude to them, and to you.
I have enclosed a recent picture of Mindy. She's still recovering form her surgery, but she's been taking it very well, and we've been extra appreciative of her these past few weeks. Without her, a piece of our family would have been missing.
Thank you again for all your kind help.
Kindest wishes,
Mindy's dad