Eight years ago for Christmas my mom purchased me a puppy. This puppy was the runt of the litter, and became dear to my heart at first sight. I've never known what it is to grieve for those I've lost, I was too young to remember. When the Doctors at BluePearl Veterinarian informed me that my dog Tiny had a mass and needed surgery, I was devastated.

As the doctor explained the procedure to us and the cost, along with the pre-care and after-care I looked to my mother and saw the devastation in her face. She explained to the doctor that she did not have the money to finance the surgery, asking that BluePearl physicians stabilize Tiny and make her comfortable. As a family we walked out in a state of shock and despair. During our sleepless night we tried desperately to figure out what was to come. The next morning I called to check on the condition of Tiny and was informed by the doctor that Tiny would be having her surgery thanks to a charitable pet foundation called Frankie Friends. Never could I imagine such a gift bestowed to me and my family. Tiny is doing well thanks to Frankie's friends and the love of the charitable pet foundation. 

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