Molly went outside yesterday morning and collapsed. The vet thinks she was poisoned and now has toxins in her body. She has improved in the last 24 hours but her kidneys and liver levels are still high
I recently just went back to work, I was out due to a tumor and had two surgeries back to back in April and was out of work for 8 weeks. Money is really tight with my husband paying all the bills himself. We had $1,000 saved and we put that towards the bill already but we have no other money to use. Our rent and other bills are due soon as well.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to help save our girl Molly! It's amazing that so many are willing to help a family in a time of need. Molly has only been with us for 3 short months but she's turned into one of our children. I can not and will not let something happen to her. Thank you so much! Frankie's Friends are amazing!