Simba is being treated for pneumonia in Virginia. This is a note from his family.
“Simba's been off the medication for a week now, he is breathing good and eating and drinking fine. He definitely has lower energy than before but we are all glad that he is here with us today. There are couple problems needs to be addressed, lump on thigh and possibly chipped low k9s but we are giving him a bit more time to recover before doing the cyto on his thigh. Other then that, I think he is good! We are always thankful for what you have done for us.”
UPDATE! “Simba was discharged yesterday. Doctors sent the bacteria to a lab for culture in case it’s resistant to the antibiotic he’s getting. He’s been breathing a bit fast but not exceeding 60 per minute so we are keeping eye on him. We still have long way to go but hopefully it won’t be so hard one. Thank you and I will keep you posted!”
“Hello. We are a family of three: I’m Eunsol, my husband is Egan and my fur baby is Simba. It is grateful that I found this wonderful foundation and thank you for helping pets and families in needs. I have never thought time of emergency would come up on our peaceful life and here we are crying every night hoping our dog can come back home. Seeing him can’t eat and loosing so much weight just makes me so guilty about even being hungry. My husband is 4th year full time student in college and I am 6 months pregnant who’s been diagnosed with high risk prelabor. When Simba’s incident happened I wish I wasn’t pregnant so I can go out there and make money. It was very hard to know that we can’t do much for him financially.
After his wood stick removal surgery, problems occurred one after another. First was pneumonia, then air and fluid building on chest, then fluid being contaminated with bacteria. But every time we face a new problem, he seemed clinically improving so we couldn’t stop. Time spent at the ER increased 4 to 6 to 8 days now hoping chest lavage will break the bacteria on his chest so he’s white blood cells can fight it off on its own. We are very grateful that you can give our Simba a chance to fight the bacteria. The last 8 days, he fought well and he’s still fighting to come back home. If you can be the wings of his angel I believe he can come home healthy.
It is shame that I can’t find greater words than thank you, but thank you. Thank you for helping our family.”