Frankie’s Friends helped Bert with life saving surgery. This is a note from his family.

Bert's surgery went well. They removed his entire leg . He's sore and grouchy but being taken care of and getting lots of love. I've attached a before surgery and after for you all. Thank you so much again. We appreciate beyond words the help that you've given us.


“Dearest Donors,
It is my sincerest gratitude, to you, for your consideration. Bert is one of our family members. I've known him since he was born and watched him grow into the sweet, loving, hug giving cat he is today. With this passed year I've lost both my parents and a beloved dog. (Ironically Frankie was my mother's name) With your generosity I do not have to add my precious cat to that tragic list. It is with tears welling in my eyes that I thank you. Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I would love nothing more to give you a grateful embrace but I hope this is an adequate substitute. You have not only given my family the gift of being able to continue having Bert in our lives but have given Bert the gift of a second chance at life. From the deepest parts of our hearts we thank you unequivocally and are forever in your debt. I hope one day that I can help another family as you have us.”

— Bert’s Family

