Giving Chance His Sight Back Means So Much To Us, Thank You for Helping Chance to Start Living His Life Again Without Fear — Frankie's Friends

UPDATE! We wanted to share this update on Chance - the first Bond fund recipient.

We just picked Chance up after his surgery and he could see us!! The feeling was priceless. Thanks again.
— Chance's Family

Chance is a 6 year old pit bull who suffers from an aggressive eye condition that significantly impacted his quality of life. He's being treated by an ophthalmologist at the Animal Eye Institute in Norwood, Ohio. His family is on social security and isn't able to afford the cost of Chance's surgery, in addition to his monthly insulin injections.

When you read through Chance's rescue story and the words of gratitude from his family you will know that together we truly are changing Chance's life for the better.


Chance's family said:

We do not know how to begin to thank the Bond’s Fund and the donors that make this fund possible. We would like to tell you about Chance and why this gift meant so much to all of us. Chance came into our lives about 6 years ago he had been chained and locked in a dark basement because he was owned by a dog fighter. His owner went to jail and the owners family was giving away all of the dogs. We were driving by and saw the sign free dogs, we stopped and Chance walked right up to us so I guess you could say he picked us. It was just by “Chance” we were driving through that neighborhood when he found us so that is where his name comes from. He has over come so much in his life but the one thing he could not get past is his fear of the dark, we are sure it comes from being chained and locked in the dark basement but it has never really been a problem because we always leave the lights on for him so he is never in the dark and afraid. The first thing we thought when he could not see was he was in darkness and for the first time there was nothing we could do to help him. Giving Chance his sight back is so much more than than just improving his quality of life, it gives him his life back without fear so he never has to be in the dark again. I hope this helps you to understand why this gift has meant so much to us. Thank You again for everything you do and for helping Chance to start living his life again without fear.
— Chance's Family

