Frankie’s Friends Helped Chloe receive surgery for a broken leg. This is an update from her family.
“Hello Frankie’s Friends. I am emailing you today to thank you for helping with our sweet Chloe’s surgery. Chloe is a 3.5 pound, blue/gray Chihuahua. She will be one year old February 19. She has such a loving soul, and is always happy! She is always ready to meet new people and give them all the love! Chloe had a recent fall that ended up with her having a pretty severe broken leg. Our regular vet referred us to BluePearl ER in Sandy Springs for Chloe to have her surgery. At the moment, our little family is going through more than we can handle. My boyfriend, Chloe’s secondary owner recently got into a dirt bike accident with left him with three broken bones of his own. With Brian and Chloe both having some pretty serious conditions, and doctor bills, your help with Chloe’s surgery is greatly appreciated. Words cannot describe how thankful and grateful we are that Frankie’s Friends agreed to help financially with Chloe’s leg surgery. When we are able, and have all the doctor and vet bills paid off, we will definitely donate to the Frankie’s Friends funds as a way to show our appreciation. We honestly can’t say thank you enough! This truly means the world to us. ”