Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Lil Girl receive the lifesaving surgery she needed. This is a note from her family.


I wanted to thank you again so very much! This has been a blessing I will never forget and I will never take for granted. It's funny how in just a split second everything could change. We waste a lot of time over things we don't have just to find out too late that everything we needed was right in front of us the whole time. She is home and feeling so much better. Surgery went great! THANK YOU THANK YOU TO EVERYONE AT Frankie's Friends! THANK YOU!

This dog is the light of my life right now and without her my world would turn dark and cold. You’re not only saving her life but mine too. She has been a part of my daughter and I don’t know what I would do if I lost her. Thank you so very much!
— Lil Girl's Family
