Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Bella receive the TPLO surgery she needed for a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament at BluePearl Hospital in Richmond VA. This is an update from Bella’s family.

I wanted to reach out to let you know how much your assistance with my dog means. Bella is a spunky (almost) 5 year old cane corso. I adopted her from the Culpeper animal shelter in April of 2016. She wins over the heart of even she meets with her goofy and loving personality- truly a gentle giant. Bella is my best friend and my family. I am a deputy in a local county’s Animal Control Division, I have dedicated my life to helping and serving animals and people and it had left me heartbroken and hopeless knowing I was in a position where I financially couldn’t help my own beloved pet. The funds provided for this surgery are literally saving her life and I couldn’t be more grateful. Frankies Friends has changed my life with the assistant and I will forever support and pay forward towards your foundation.
— With Gratitude, Bella's Family
