Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Milo receive the emergency surgery he needed for a torn CCL. This is a note from Milo’s family.

Milo is a vibrant happy dog that had an unfortunate incident on 24th September. He tore his left CCL.

Milo is literally God sent to me. I went through a horrible, tumultuous divorce a few years ago and he pulled me out from a very dark place. He is registered as my emotional support animal.

During the same period I was also diagnosed with an auto immune disorder. I have no family here, so it was the most difficult thing I have ever had to overcome. My Milo helped me pick up the pieces of my life, to where we’re right now. We are truly blessed to be alive but more importantly happy and healthy.

This help means the world to us. I am an animal lover and also super ambitious. I believe it is in my cards and destiny to start a pet safe heaven sanctuary for rescues in my lifetime. Truly all dreams are valid.

I will certainly pay this forward as soon as I get back on my feet. I still do what and when I can. Ironically a pet rescue I follow ( Trinity Gap) just a month ago was asking for donations for a dog named, Athena for the exact same surgery he ( a rescue) was undergoing. I contributed without any hesitation.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart and may your pockets never lack. Much blessings!
— Milo's Family
