Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Peaches receive treatment for pyometra. This is a note from her family.

Our Peaches came to us as a proud and beautiful momma whose prior owner was simply not able to continue caring for her. We got her because I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her. Since the very first day she has brought so much joy to our lives with her spunk and spirit and motherly ways of caring for us when we’re down and out. She has been the steady heartbeat for us when we needed comfort and she has been our protector against falling bikes and unwanted solicitors at our doorstep. She has such an intuition and strong emotional connection to me that my wife now knows to pay close attention when she sticks to my side... every time she has been able to predict a medical episode and without fail it seems that by her very presence she is able to ease the severity of an event. She has been with us through moves (and loves every minute of the car rides to go visit grandma and grandpa three hours away in Austin!), the high of triumphs in getting a new job and the tragic low that shook my world when I found out about the murder suicide of my sister by her husband. Even now, two years later, Peaches knows when she is needed for comfort and quietly comes to lay by my side in solidarity and warmth to ease the trembling of my soul in remembering. Peaches has the wisdom of an old soul, can be as clever as a fox and is absolutely the sweetest dog our family could ever ask for. She is tough and smart and has many good years still ahead for her so we thank you for all the comfort and love and slimy wet kisses we can look forward to if you can help us heal her body so she can continue to help soothe our souls and brighten our world.
— Peaches' Family
