Frankie’s Friends helped puppy Rex receive the lifesaving care he needed for an intestinal obstruction and hookworms. This is a note from Rex’s family.

First and foremost I would like to thank you all for giving people like me the opportunity to receive assistance from the Frankie’s National Fund. Our beloved Rex means the world to us, especially my Autistic son. Before considering Rex into our family, we were in complete despair of having any more fur babies in the house due to losing 3 fur babies this 2020 year alone. Our family was definitely not ready to go through the pain of losing another fur baby. When we first saw Rex, he gave us a very pure look that gave us an immense amount of hope into bringing back the love of fur-babies in our home. When we first brought Rex home, he walked right in and claimed his spot in our home. My husband and I looked at each other smiling already knowing he fit right in. Apart from being our fur baby, Rex is also an emotional support pup for my Autistic son. Thank you for helping to save Rex’s life so we can continue to love on him for as long as we can have him.
— Rex's Family
