Frankie’s Friends Hope Funds helped Daisy get the life saving care she needed for dystocia at BluePearl Lee Summit in KS. This is an update from Daisy’s family.
“I cant thank you enough for helping my Crazy Daisy! She went into labor on a Saturday evening, my worst fears came real when by 4pm Sunday she had not delivered, which meant we were heading to the ER Vet. We all know this can be crazy expensive, but its either watch your pet die or go & hope for the best!
I have 4 dogs and have made trips before to the ER VET without having to give up my right arm. I knew this was serious for Daisy and her 3 babies so I hoped & prayed I would figure something out. I never thought it would cost almost $3000!!! My heart dropped feeling hopeless as all I could do was wait and take her to regular vet in morning, another 12 hrs! As I explained to the staff I couldn’t afford it and would have to chance her surviving the night, they told me about Frankie’s Friends & after a phone call and some paperwork Daisy was on way to surgery. The puppies didn’t make it but Daisy was saved! Even though it hurt to lose the puppies i was extremely thankful Daisy was going to be okay! She has made a full recovery after mourning her puppies (about 3-4 days).
Daisy was given to me from my son, whose dog she was originally, after my Pomeranian was killed in an accident while traveling with my mother after her successful cancer treatments of which she only had 8% chance of surviving the cancer.
So again I cant express enough of my gratitude for Frankie’s Friends! We will be paying it forward some how!”