Frankie’s Friends helped Mel Brooks receive the life saving care he needed for a urinary obstruction at BluePearl in Midtown, NY. This is an update from Mel Brooks’ family.
“Dear Frankie’s Friends,
There are no words to express how grateful my son and I are to have our cat home and healthy again, thanks to your generous contribution to his medical bills. What a wonderful organization! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Four years ago, we rescued two cats, which my young son named Mel Brooks (a tuxedo) and Carl Reiner (a tabby). Mel Brook is one of those affectionate, lovable cats who likes his belly rubbed, and loves to be around people. We live in Manhattan, and they both brightened up our lives and our apartment.
One day a few weeks ago, Mel Brooks wouldn’t eat or drink, and by the next day he was listless. I brought him to our neighborhood vet, who informed us his urethra was blocked and was unable to urinate on his own. She hydrated him and kept him in her office for a day, but was unable to keep him overnight, and told me to take him to Blue Pearl Animal Hospital or he might die. Our two cats both use the large, covered litter box, and I hadn’t noticed any unusual behavior. How could he suddenly be so sick? Apparently, it happens with cats… I felt terrible and rushed him to BluePearl.
The staff and doctors were incredibly nice and efficient. Mel Brooks’ tests indicated his Potassium level was extremely high, which was posing the danger to his life. He needed to be catheterized and on fluids for a minimum of 48-hours. When they showed me the bill, which needed to be paid in advance, I froze. It was for a few thousand dollars, which I didn’t have. I am a single mother, and work a 10-hour day to make ends meet, but we basically live paycheck to paycheck. My prudent reserve was a few hundred dollars and I don’t use credit cards. There was no one I knew who would have that much to lend me. I told them I could put down the few hundred dollars and pay off the rest, but that was not an option. They said the only scenario possible was for him to stay for one night, or to euthanize him, which I was not going to do!
I left him overnight, went home and told my son that Mel Brooks may not make it. We both cried. Early the next morning, I received a call from BluePearl, informing me that the doctors and nurses were pulling for Mel Brooks, and had decided to award him with a generous donation from a charitable organization called Frankie’s Friends. Mel Brooks would be covered 80% in the hospital for up to 3 days! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; it was like a miracle. I would still have to pay off the neighborhood vet bill over time, but Mel would live and it wouldn’t bankrupt us!
Dr. Gibeon was very helpful, and updated me daily via phone. Two days later, we picked up Mel Brooks, who had pulled through with flying colors. The nurse explained how to administer his medicine and the aftercare treatment. Mel Brooks has now made a full recovery, and we are happier than ever.
I never knew organizations like Frankie’s Friends existed, and thank god you do! Pets are so important to the well-being of humans, and humans are so important to the well-being of the world. Happier people make a happier world, and we are doing our part. Thank you for being an important part of the equation.”