Frankie’s Friends JLACF Fund helped Miss Penny Lane receive the life saving radiation treatments she needed for brain cancer. This is a note from Miss Penny’s family.
“I have been so honored to meet the thousands of people who have blessed us from their hearts financially, with prayers and moral support on FaceBook. Some have lost their precious “Fur Babies” and found solace in loving Miss Penny and letting her touch their injured spirits with the affection only a little wet nose and a special kiss can do.
We could never have made it this far without all the help paying for tests, treatments, blankets, coats and food. When the Register Guard put us on the front page of the Thanksgiving Day Issue, I forgot to express how Grateful and Thankful I was for all the precious gifts to help her get better.
Thank you all so very much and may you all be blessed 1,000 times the desire of your hearts to bless us and others.
I promised her I would never give up on her.”