Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Digi get the lifesaving surgery she needed for pyometra. This is an update from Digi’s family.


I am beyond ecstatic to tell you AND all of the donors about Digi and how she is doing. But first, let me tell you about my special dainty girl.

I had tragically lost my previous cat that we had brought from Hawaii to a purposeful motorcycle driver hitting him.. after quite a few months, I decided I needed another furbaby in my life. We adopted Digi from a pet store about 13 to 14 years ago.. In a room full of kittens, there was one black one asleep on top of the cat tree. My daughter and I didn't knock on the glass or anything.. just said "oh look, there's a black one. How cute." As we started to turn and leave, this little black kitty ran to us and slammed its paws up onto the glass standing. As if to say don't forget me! I was soo taken by the action... but what got me most was the intense look and her adorable mitten paws. Digi is a polydactyl. We left the pet store, but turned right around and purchased her. 

From day 1 Digi was by my side, either sleeping in the crook of my arm under the blankets, or alongside my head, she would supervise my sewing, and sleep in the bed I made her to fit under my computer screen soaking up the warmth while I gamed. She stayed by my side when I had to spend weeks healing from a hard hip replacement surgery and recovery and most of my time was in my recliner. 

She is such an important part of mine and my families life… mainly mine. She has seen me through a separation and having to start over.. she stayed by my side while I grieved. She never got sick, never got injured.. she STILL looks soo young. She gets mistaken for a cat MUCH younger than she is. Her coat is still shiny and soft, her purrs still filled with love and healing. When there is a strange sound she has NO PROBLEM walking down the hallway growling ready to take on whatever may endanger her momma.. all 7 pounds of her? *giggles* 

She stayed by me and purred her heart out as I slowly recovered from breaking my back.  Like she was encouraging me to not give up.. her soft cute chortles and meows... telling me to not give up even though everything I had been studying for and training for in school and work (nursing degree) was gone.. no longer attainable. It took me 6 years to get back into the work force.. just this last year in 2019. She is definitely my support furbaby, if I were to have one. 

“When Digi started having a problem, I kept an eye on it.  When usual home remedies were not working, I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Peck and his mobile veterinary because it was the soonest I could get seen. As we texted back and forth about her condition, he advised that I take her to emergency, that she may not make it to Monday ( 2 days away). I called around, BluePearl was the only option with great ratings. My budget was very tight, but I had to try and hope for a simple diagnosis and treatment. 

X-rays came back with the worst diagnosis. Her uterus was so inflamed it had pushed her colon up to her spine and basically closed off all waste removal. I was stunned... here I was, my Digi girl, not complaining about what was going on inside her.. still active in every sense.. and if I couldn't get care credit to up the amount available. I was going to have to put my heart and companion to sleep.. my world was being ripped apart.. I couldn't bear doing that because I KNEW she was not even close to being ready to leave my side.. it felt like I was going to have to murder her.. honestly.. even though it would be saving her from massive suffering... she wasn't ready.

As I bawled my eyes out after care credit denying me for the second time to raise my amount.. I had had the veterinarian call them and explain the situation in hopes that would help. When the gal on the phone said she was so sorry that it was denied.. I told her through my tears and choking sobs  "Thank you, I'm going to have to put my kitty to sleep".. and hung up.

I turned to Digi and just petted her... with everything we had been through.  Our journey together was going to end with neither one ready or wanting to leave. I kept wracking my brain for a way to come up with the money needed.. nothing. Of course I was praying and asking everyone to send prayers and positive energy.

It was then that the veterinary tech came in... I wasn't ready to put my baby girl to sleep... she told me that there was a fund, and that I would only have to pay what I had said I had available and that the rest would be covered. I lost it. I was so glad I was sitting down. I had been told earlier that there wasn't any money left in the fund…to find out that Digi would be allowed to use the rest. In between shock, stunned, happiness tears, knowing that I wouldn't have to say goodbye to my sweetheart... the Rollercoaster of emotions.. wow. 

I knew there was still a risk with surgery, but I knew in my heart she would be fine.

I signed the consent to treat papers and gave my girl a kiss. I picked her up the next day. 

Recovery went great, although she hated not being with me in the bed.. i'm not going to lie, I let her up on the bed to sleep with me before the end of the recovery period. Hearing her content sigh as I wrapped my arm around and she got comfy was pure bliss, along with her purrs. She also assumed her "usual" I'm comfy position is stretching her front leg or both front legs fully out, usually across my face, or up the side of my face... pure bliss.

I can't thank the donors enough for being willing to offer this kind of help. You kept my world, my heart, and my mind brighter. That doesn't even come close to what having Digi still with me means. Thank you for saving Digi.

I have attached a couple images of her. Please share this email and photos to all the donors. I plan on repaying as I can. I help others as often and however I can. If I am able, I help. It is how I was raised. 

May you see happiness and joy every day.

Brightest of Blessings,”

Digi’s Family
