Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Athena get the emergency surgery she needed for a gunshot wound at BluePearl in Tampa FL. This is an update from Athena’s family.

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I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us when Athena was shot 2 weeks ago and had to have her leg amputated. I don’t know what we’d of done without you. Like everyone else I’ve been laid off since Covid and my unemployment had just run out. We had just over $2000 in savings left when it happened. That night we gave it all just to save her life. I figured I could buy time at least to figure it out because I couldn’t put my beautiful girl down. Then we found out about you! Thank you so much for the grant. We were able to get her surgery done that day at BluePearl thanks to you.

She got her staples out today and is doing great! She’s adjusting well and almost back to her normal sassy self. She is a lot more vocal now and lets me know the second she’s uncomfortable or wants something.

I’ve always wanted to get her trained to be an advocate for pitbulls and am still planning on that just with a little different focus. I’ll be sure to share my story about how Frankie’s Friends was there for us!
— Athena's Family
