Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Lily receive the care she needed for fever, and muscle tremors at BluePearl in Louisville, KY. This is a note from her family.

Lily was rescued by us from an unsafe home. She is a beautiful, happy dog who loves to go for rides in the car and loves to play with our other dogs. Not long after we got her, we realized that she was pregnant. She had nine puppies! She was such a good mom. While still nursing, she ate something toxic. She was having seizures and struggling to breathe. Being recently laid off, due to Covid 19, and still waiting for unemployment, we had no money for treatment but knew she needed help fast. We are so grateful for the loving care that she received. She recovered and continued being a loving mom to her pups. They have all been adopted by loving families- 3 moved to homes in Minnesota, 1 to Iowa, and the others across southern Indiana. Three live about 10 miles away on a farm and we occasionally take her there to visit them. Thank you so much for being there when Lily really needed you.

In gratitude,
— Lily's Family
