Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Sophie receive the lifesaving surgery she needed for ovarian remnant syndrome at BluePearl in Converse, TX.

Sophie is doing very well and Dr. Giles is outstanding. Before Sophie was stricken with pyometra, I had never heard of the condition nor was I aware that veterinary specialists even existed. Sophie part Rhodesian Ridge-back and a fairly large dog. I met her quite by accident when at about 8 weeks old I found her starved and wondering the streets alone. Even her emaciated state, she was happy and ran up and jumped into my arms, she didn’t weigh more than 10 pounds, I’m guessing. I had her checked out, other than starving, she was surprisingly healthy except for having fleas. I finally had enough funds when she was about 3 years old to have her spayed. The vet left, as he called it, “hormonal tissue” and told me I could bring her back and he would try again. I didn’t trust him after that and wouldn’t take her back. Dealing with the minor heats was annoying, but I didn’t want to open her up again. No one warned me the possibility of life threatening complications that could occur due to a failed spay.

At first she just started gradually getting less active and her appetite was effected with each heat, I just figured like all of us, she’s just getting older and succumbing to her age which is about 11.5 years old, I had no idea she was getting sick and likely in incredible pain. I finally called her vet when she was expelling dark brown, not red fluid and the odor is beyond description. The vet told me to take her to an emergency clinic that she likely had a life threatening infection. The emergency at 410 and Broadway examined her and concluded she did have stump pyometra, They referred me to BluePearl.

Veterinary visits during this pandemic are difficult, sitting many hours in a hot car waiting for diagnosis, but the staff at BluePearl are on top of their game and do their best to realize the discomfort of the owners as well as the pets.

Dr. Giles examined Sophie and determined that surgery was the best option to save her life, but the surgery would cost over $3000. I didn’t know that any surgery on a dog could possibly cost that much and being on a disability income, there was no way I could pay for that, she would have had to be put down. Dr. Giles then tells me I might qualify for a grant from Frankie’s Friends, a privately funded foundation established for people in my situation.

Sophie was admitted for surgery and all I was required to pay was 15% of the total cost thanks to Frankie’s Friends, I was elated, but of coarse with apprehension and fear, they were doing major surgery on my 11.5 year old dog, the best dog I’ve ever had, my best friend, thinking I may not get her back. I was scared.

They kept her over night, were always helpful and never showed they were annoyed with my frequent calls, the BluePearl staff are wonderfully patient. I brought to them a weak dying 11.5 year old dog and they returned to me a vibrant, energetic, young dog that I hadn’t seen in over a year. I am awe struck, she has so much energy that it’s hard keeping up with her. She is easily engaged, interested in anything and a very ravenous appetite, I couldn’t be happier with the results, nor more grateful that there are foundations like Frankie’s Friends. Thank you so much for being here for Sophie and people like me.

I have share 3 pics of Sophie, the first 2 are before her surgery. It is hard to see the subtle difference from when she was more energetic, but she hid her pain well. The third pic is 3 days after her surgery, she had not been so engaged with interests outside in a very long time. You can see where she had been shaved prior to surgery. Again, I cannot thank Frankie’s Friends, Dr. Giles and the staff at BluePearl enough for restoring my dog back to health.
— Sophie's Family
