Frankie’s Friends helped Boo receive the lifesaving surgery he needed for a perineal urethrostomy. This is a note from Boo’s family.

I appreciate all you do for all of the families with animals who are really beloved and helping save them from illnesses and death. You really give back happiness and comfort to the families. It means so much to me to be able to receive financial assistance from your charity because I’ve promised to take care of my kitty always and never let harm come his way. It really is disheartening to know that financial problems get in the way of my little one being in good health. This assistance means so much especially now during this time. I love my cats purrs and him waiting for me to come home to play with him. I wish he’d live with me always and I want to spend as much time with him now, and for him to live his life to the fullest without having to suffer. Your help brings me so much joy. Thank you kindly.
— Boo's Family
