Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Ferrell receive the lifesaving surgery he needed for a urinary obstruction. This is a note from Ferrell’s family.

Thank you for helping our cat Ferrell, he is apart of our family in many ways, He is a emotional support for my son who is emotionally disabled. Though Ferrell is not registered to be an emotional support animal, he helps my son in ways that a person cannot help. We have only had him for 3 years but in that time we have grown to love him unconditionally and if we were to lose him, myself and son would be gravely devastated, as he is a part of our little family. If we did not get him to the hospital when we did we probably would have lost him by the end of the week. My son and I are on a fixed income of just SSI and to receive this help would help bring our Ferrell home, if we do not come up with the payment, the county will make us surrender him to the humane society, to which we would never be able to see him again. We are trying our best to get donations and funds to help bring our boy home.

Thank you for your time and support from the bottom of our hearts in our time of need, we are truly grateful for your prayers and blessings from your organization and people who donate.
With Love,
— Ferrell's Family
