Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Freya receive the lifesaving surgery she needed to treat an abdominal abscess. This is an update from Freya’s family.

Update on Freya!  She got her staples out, and is cone free! Her belly is still a little tender to the touch, but that’s to be expected.  She’s doing so great though!! We feel so blessed, and so thankful for the help that Frankie’s Friends gave us.  Before we adopted Freya (Fred) as I like to call We had a black lab for 13 years.. My Zoey... She was the best friend I ever had.. We had to let her go last January... And I didn’t think I could ever have another dog... Because I didn’t want to have my heart broken again.

My son asked me if we could get another dog back in November.. some friends of his gave him a tip about a little pup that was only 8 months old, and had already been in two homes, one that was abusive.. Her name was Freya.... So we made arrangements to meet her, and see if she would be a good fit for our family.  She was pretty apprehensive at first, but it didn’t take long for her to warm up to us, and us to her... In mid December, we scheduled a vet appointment to have her spayed.  She came home, a little groggy as to be expected.. after a couple weeks, she got her stitches out, and she was fine!  But soon after, she started having trouble jumping on the bed, ore even on the couch... She seemed to just run out of energy. My son got worried, obviously, and called the vet to schedule an appointment.

They took some blood, and took some x-rays.  They said she had developed an abscess on her uteral stump, and it had become infected.  They referred us to BluePearl pet hospital, and we rushed out there to have her seen.  They said she needed emergency surgery, because the infection could quickly turn septic, and it would ultimately cost her her life... When we were told what it would cost... I was shocked... Scared, terrified really... But, I wasn’t ready to do it again, we just couldn’t say goodbye to another dog, not so soon after she joined our family... So we found a way to put down a deposit, and I asked BluePearl if there was a way to make payments afterward.

That’s when they told us about Frankie’s Friends... And they said we qualified for assistance. Believe me when I say, I bawled like baby.. tears of joy, and some shame honestly... Shame that I couldn’t just take care of the bill on my own.. but grateful, and amazed at the generosity offered to us.. how could we say no?!?... Freya is a handful! She tears up all her toys, and climbs all over everyone, and everything! She tears up shoes, and wooden furniture. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.. she’s outside right now barking at the sky. We love her so much.Thank you, thank you so very very much.
— Freya's Family
