Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Oreo receive the surgery he needed for an urethral obstruction at BluePearl in Richmond VA. This is an update from Oreo’s family.

First thank you for all support given to us! I can’t be more grateful! Shortly after arriving home Oreo was still struggling. He was put on all kinds of meds while awaiting his urine culture. Once it came back we found out he was immune to the antibiotics they currently had him on. So he was switched immediately to a different one. This one made him sick and he was having issues eating. I reached back out to BluePearl and they issued him some nausea meds. I still couldn’t get him to eat, he was miserable still trying to pee everywhere and whining because it hurt. I reached out again and got an appetite stimulant for him. He started eating almost immediately and begged for more when done. Suddenly he could keep down his meds and has improved drastically!! He’s not healed yet. He still has a few weeks of meds but he’s a much happier kitty!
— Oreo's Family
