Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Beau receive critical treatment for aspiration pneumonia at BluePearl in Virginia Beach. This is an update from Beau’s family.

Beau is doing extremely well after his sudden onset of pneumonia following his abdominal surgery. If it wasn’t for the help of Frankie’s Friend’s I don’t think we would have been able to keep Beau at the hospital as long as he needed to be, to get well before being discharged.

The moment Beau began having difficulty breathing days after his surgery was a very emotional time. We know 100% if we didn’t bring him into the hospital, he would not have made it. Frankie’s Friends made a very emotional and stressful time, a much lighter one. To know there is such an organization that helps families and their pets through hard times like this is beautiful. It meant the absolute world to know that I didn’t need to continue to worry about each day longer that Beau needed to remain in the hospital. Frankie’s Friend’s lifted a weight off of our shoulders and we are forever grateful.

Since Beau has gotten home he has gained about 3 pounds and is a much happier cat. He is back to his playful self and is eating lots of his favorite wet foods. He’s purring like crazy and I am so happy he was given the chance to heal and get better. Beau is still recovering from the surgery and pneumonia and will continue to for the next couple of weeks, but he is a much different cat than the morning when I had to rush him into the hospital.

Thank you to Frankie’s Friends and all of the donors who have made this possible. I promise to pay it forward, directly to Frankie and Friend’s when we are in the financial position to do so.
— Beau's Family
