Frankie’s Friends Bond’s Fund helped Booty receive life changing entropian and keratectomy surgery for a damaged cornea. This is a note from Booty’s family.

I’m a single mom barely making ends meet. We have had Booty for over five years, almost six. We adopted him from an owner who could no longer keep him because they were relocating. Booty is like my second child. He has been so clingy throughout his illness, every chance he gets he is coming over and sitting on my lap or on my chest. He’s so sweet. I need to feed him and help with everything because he is old and the cone is extremely difficult for him. Also, he can’t smell with the respiratory infection from the herpes infection. That’s what the vet tech told me. This surgery is so important for him and I’m not sure what will happen if I lose my baby. He is like my meditation at night, he helps me sleep. He is the best cat in the world. I know everybody says that, but he really is. He was declawed by his previous owner so he has had it tough.

Thank you so much for all the work you do. We will give back to you one day, I promise. All I care about is animals. The most important things to me are my child, animals, and reading. I appreciate and understand how hard charities work and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
— Booty's Family
