Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Clara receive the lifesaving surgery she needed for a cancerous mass that needed removal. This is a note from Clara’s family.


“I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for your contribution towards the care of my Clara who is our beloved family pet.

She has been a blessing to us since she was adopted 5 years ago. She is my only child's best friend, my 4 legged child, my protector and the sweetest dog we could have ever asked for.

Our Clara developed a carcinoma on her rear leg about 3 years ago. She had it removed and to our delight we were relieved that the tumor was no longer a threat.

During her last follow up our vet was concerned she had a mast cell tumor on the incision site. The vet recommended doing some testing to the old site of the tumor. She was diagnosed with another carcinoma. We have done further testing and Clara is in otherwise good health which gives her a good prognosis. Clara is full of life and lives for her family.

We would do anything to care for her and ensure the longest and healthiest life possible which is what we are focusing on. Unfortunately this diagnosis came at a difficult time for me as I am currently unemployed.

I have gathered all the personal resources that I could but I have not been able to gather the full surgery costs. I decided to apply in hopes of receiving some much needed assistance at this time with my beloved Clara's treatment.

Although I am currently in a tough financial situation, I am still committed to doing anything I can to ensure Clara has the best chance at a long life with her family.

I am incredibly grateful for the assistance on behalf of Frankie’s Friends and the donating members who made this possible. The ability to get Clara the treatment she needs to save her life means the world to me as well as my daughter. Frankie’s Friends has made it possible for us to be able to ensure that Clara has every possible chance to stay with us by getting the treatment that she needs.

I thank you for finding it in your heart to make it possible to do so.

Thank you so much for your kindness and consideration.”

– Clara’s Family
