Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Zero receive lifesaving surgery for a mast cell tumor removal. This is a note from Zero’s family.

Dear donors,
My words will never be enough to say how grateful I am that you are an angel from heaven to help people like me that love their animal so much and can’t bear to lose them before their time. My dog zero has been my life saver - he was my main goal to recover and go home from the hospital because of Covid-19. He gets me moving and doing things that I should do like exercise and we go to the dog park almost everyday. He makes sure I know that that’s where we are going. I am overwhelmed this year. My mother passed away and I got Covid. I took my elderly father in and tried to help his dementia, and my illness didn’t mix so he is in Assisted Living and now I am finding out he is terminally ill with cancer himself. My life is so overwhelmed right now. Once again thank you so very very much.
— Zero's Family
