Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Chester receive emergency surgery for a cranial cruciate ligament tear. This is a note from Chester’s family.
“Chester is the sweetest, happiest dog. He loves everyone and all animals are a possible friend. He has a collection of animals that he carries around the house. They’re like his babies. He licks and gently gnaws on them making sure he doesn’t bite them hard enough to set off their sound device. He’s just so gentle and eager to please.
The last few years have been quite difficult for me. Chester provided comfort and companionship and a reason to get out of bed every day. I don’t know how I would have survived without him!
Watching him go from a full of life, happy dog to one that sleeps most of the time and can’t run, jump or walk without pain has been awful. I’d do anything to help him but I just can’t afford it. Your generous support will allow Chester the kind of life that he deserves. There are no words to describe how thankful I am for this. It’d be such a blessing to be able to restore him to good health and a carefree life of chasing balls. He’s given me so much. Thank you so very much.
Much gratitude,”