Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Piper receive emergency surgery for hernia repair. This is a note from Piper’s family.

It is hard to put into words how grateful our family is to receive funds to help our puppy Piper. From the day piper arrived at our house she has been a blessing! My youngest daughter who is 6 has really taken to her and it has helped her with some of the separation anxiety she has had. Piper has also helped my father in law who recently just moved in with us after suffering a debilitating stroke and now needs around the clock care. On his bad days Piper will sit with him and just let him love all over her and it comforts him. Right now she has not be able to do that often as she has not been feeling very well :( We also have Piper’s sister here and to see how sad both puppies are that they can’t play with each other right now (due to Piper’s restrictions) is heart breaking. We are forever grateful for your help. Our hope will be to some day when we are in a better situation is to be able to reciprocate the genoristy for another family. Thank you to all who are helping our family get Piper back to the fun, loving family friend we all miss.
— Piper's Family
