Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Frito receive lifesaving surgery for an urethral obstruction at BluePearl in Wenton WA.. This is a note and update from his family.

Frito is doing better & making progress each day. He’s almost back to his normal self!

Frito’s story: Frito ate through a bag of cat food & an egg shaped knot formed in his abdomen. We thought it was constipation but after seeing him digress, we took him to the vet to find he had a life-threatening urinary tract blockage. He almost died! He’s only 4 years old.

Without the help of Frankie’s Friends, Frito wouldn’t have survived. The cost of continued care, even though completely worth his life, wasn’t attainable & he needed to stay 2 nights on an IV & be monitored including lab work, in order to have a fair chance to survive.

THANK YOU so much! Here’s some pics before & after with Frito & his brother Potato. We hope to be able to “pay it forward” & donate when we’re able. Thank you again for helping save our fur baby’s life! They’re like our kids.
— Frito's Family
