Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Bo receive the lifesaving surgery he needed for a urinary blockage. This is a note from Bo’s family.

I was furloughed at the start of the pandemic and am back to work but only part time. I am actively trying to get back to full time status. I have been with Memorial Hospital for 16 years now and was full time so hope it will happen soon. My husband also lost his job during the pandemic then recently had 1/2 his foot amputated due to a lawn mower accident. He is also only working part-time and actively trying to get back to manufacturing. I have 2 young sons and pay day care costs as well. My cat Bo is so special to my family. He was rescued from an abandoned feral cat colony nearly 7 years ago and had been hit by a car. Just last year, he got out of our “Catio” and was likely hit by a car again. He suffered great trauma to his head and jaw and required multiply days in animal hospital and then surgery with a specialist. Bo is part of my family so I spent over 5,000 just 10 months ago (and all of my savings) for him. Now he was so sick with a blocked urethra and is back in the animal hospital. My poor kitty, I cannot believe this is happening again to him. He has already been through so much. I just want to help Bo.
— Bo's Family

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