Frankie’s Friends JLACF Fund helped Archer receive chemotherapy for large cell lymphoma to help put the cancer into remission. This is a note from Archer’s family.

Our beautifully goofy golden retriever Archer is our son’s best friend. Luke is on the Autism spectrum and we learned that dogs have a positive impact on children with ASD and bring them much-needed companionship. Since he adopted Archer, we’ve seen Luke’s mental wellbeing, his social skills, and his anxiety improve. The two are bonded.

That is why the news of Archer’s diagnosis and prognosis is particularly heartbreaking. Without treatment, Archer could lose his life in a matter of weeks. If the chemo is effective and the cancer goes into remission, Archer and Luke will have at least 1 more year together, and hopefully many more.

The prescribed treatment is incredibly expensive and comes at a very bleak time for our family. We’ve recently run into financial hardship and we don’t have any money set aside for an emergency of this magnitude. In spite of this, we owe it to both Luke and Archer to do everything within our power to fight this battle against cancer. That is why we are so incredibly grateful to JLACF for the level of support you can offer to help cover the cost of Archer’s medical expenses. We cannot possibly thank you enough for your kindness but one day I hope to be able to “pay it forward” in any way I can.
— Archer's Family

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