Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Derecho receive the gastrointestinal surgery he needed to remove a foreign body at BluePearl in Des Moines IA. This is a note from Derecho’s family.

THANK YOU for being the reason our little Derecho was able to have surgery & continue living life!

The week of Christmas, our little guy was not acting his energized and crazy self. We knew something was up. I took him to my vet but they couldn’t get him in so I decided to take him to BluePearl. That was definitely a “everything happens for a reason” moment.

Upon getting there, I said yes to everything because I just wanted them to find what was wrong with little guy. When they came out & told me they have to do surgery depending on the outcome of the ultrasound, my heart sank. When they told me how much it could be, it sank even more. I knew I didn’t have that kind of money - but he is only 1 year old? I couldn’t let him get sick & not be in our life.

I prayed and prayed, I texted family & friends, I sobbed to my husband hoping for a Christmas miracle.

You guys were that miracle. You saved our little guy. I honestly cannot put into words how grateful we are to have him home & healthy with us. I have always donated to the local ARL but will now be donating to Frankie’s Friends as well knowing the impact this cause brings.
— Derecho's Family
