Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Luna receive the emergency surgery she needed to repair a broken leg. This is a note from Luna’s family.

Thank you so much for helping us out! You don’t know what this means to me and my family. When we first saw Luna we knew immediately she would be a perfect addition to our family we have two young kids and we needed a cat that was playful,high energy and outgoing. After we adopted her on day 3 she had a severe upper respiratory infection and she fought through that we were so scared we would loose our Luna. Then after that a few months later she escaped from our bedroom screen and had a severe break to her leg we were all so scared we took her to BluePearl and immediately got relief that they could help our baby we didn’t know how much it would cost but we didn’t care because we just wanted our baby back home and well. Thank you so much for helping us Luna is our world especially my daughters. As soon as we repay the care credit I would love to make a donation to help another family in need.
— Luna's Family
