Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Cedar receive emergency surgery for a broken hip and pelvis at BluePearl in Reno Nevada. This is a note from Cedar’s family.


I just wanted to send you a recent photo of Cedar at puppy physical therapy. He is doing so good and we are so thrilled with the progress he is making. Again, we are so grateful for the generous donation from Frankie‘s Friends to help with his surgery.

We want to thank you from the deepest part of our hearts for helping us out with Cedar’s surgery. This was a tremendous blessing to us as we have had many unexpected hardships in the past few months.

I am happy to report that Cedar is doing very well and should make a full recovery! Cedar is an exuberant young puppy that loves to play hard. But when he plays hard he also sleeps hard. After hours of playing with his puppy friends he decided to take a nap behind the wheel of a friends car. Unfortunately the friend did not know he was there and he was subsequently squashed when the car went into motion. This resulted in a broken hip and pelvis. We rushed Cedar down to BluePearl and the most amazing people helped us to diagnose and treat Cedar after the initial injury. However it was going to take surgery to put him back together again. Four days after the incident Dr. MacLellan’s was able to perform a femoral head osteotomy on Cedar.

It has been a pretty rough recovery at times but Cedar is a tough dog and he’s doing to just great. We have been gradually increasing his activity and following the doctors orders. I am excited for tomorrow because Cedar will start his first day at puppy PT at the Pearl. They are going to put him in a Hydro pool and strengthen his back leg. I will be sure to send progress pictures during that event. We will keep you updated on the course of his recovery but as of now I see good things for him in the future.
— Cedar's Family
