Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Rue receive the emergency eye enucleation he needed for severe glaucoma. This is a note from Rue’s family.

Thank you doesn’t do justice. My Rue Rue has been my rock for these past 5 years. He was my first baby and he was there through all my heart breaks, my first born and second, he was there when my mom was diagnosed with cancer and he was there when my mom passed. I can’t imagine a world without him being right by my side- he is truly my best friend. He’s my kids best friend when my daughter sees a dog it’s instantly “Rue Rue” instead of “dog”. He will always be my only puppers and all I can say is thank you for giving him a life with my family without pain.
— Rue's Family

Rue is doing great they sent him home last night surprisingly. He has his sweet pitty smile back which makes my heart so happy. Should be a short recovery and he’ll be back to being the life of the house. Thank you so so so much for helping rue and our family.
