Frankie’s Friends National Fund helped Miss Shirley , a puppy, receive emergency surgery for a broken leg. This is a note from her family.
“I am 55 on SSDI. I received Miss Shirley as a Christmas gift. My other Brussels Griffon rescue passed away 2 years in July. It was a unexpected cancer. I had my boy for 12 years and we were inseparable. I have a love for the Brussels Griffon. I had rescued my Albert 2 years in October. He’s 7 years old and was going to be euthanized so he was brought to me from Texas for $50 ARF rescue who rescued 40 plus dogs from a hoarder. Albert is older and unwanted kinda like me ! Lol
Miss Shirley is a blessing to both of us and has literally helped Albert so much to trust, love and show him humans are ok. Albert has severe anxiety and fear issues and is on meds. Miss Shirley has helped him more than any med! I never expected this to happen to her. I am forever grateful and thankful for your help. Miss Shirley was just spayed 2 weeks ago and ended up in ER for severe diarrhea that was blood and she had a fever and vomiting. The trauma of the surgery they think had caused the severe bloody diarrhea and fever and vomiting. She just finished up meds and was on the mend and this happened on the morning of the 18th. My heart is so sad. I just spent the last of my money on the vet bill yesterday and don’t have funds for surgery. Your help is so appreciated. God has always made a way and I trust him in all I do. Myself, Albert and Miss.Shirley thank you for helping us.
Thank you and God Bless! ”