Frankie’s Friends Hope Fund helped Lola receive emergency, lifesaving care for seizures at BluePearl in Langhorne PA. This is a note from her family.

Having something like Frankie’s Friends was a true life saver for me and my family. I got a phone call at work from my oldest son who’s 23 that our Lola was looking awful and having a bad seizure. We didn’t think twice before driving from Philadelphia to Langhorne to get her care. I don’t even remember thinking about how financially this would set me back, all we knew was we needed to get her looked at and get her home safely. She’s a 5 year old Pitbull who belongs to my 8 year old daughter.

After finding out about your program I asked to see if I could qualify. I was so scared she was going to die or I would have had to hand her over because I honestly wasn’t prepared for such an expense right before the holidays. I have included photos of our Lola the night before with my daughter, during her stay at the hospital and photos from after.

My children and I are beyond grateful for this program and those who donate for animals and families in need. Bless everyone who helped us bring our spoiled girl home after getting amazing care!!!!!

As you can tell we have a few animals. Scar is our almost 2 year old black lab who refuses to leave her side especially now after she was gone for two days. The one picture is her first night back home and all my cats had to sleep with her that night. Clearly she’s very loved and I would be lost without your help. Thank you again.
— Lola's family
