Frankie’s Friends helped Faith receive an emergency cystotomy for bladder stones. This is a note from Faith’s family.
“Faith has been just that, our Faith through chemo and this illness, she has helped us to keep our Faith. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts, as she is a big part of our family and it has been extremely hard to watch her go through this, with no way to help her. This has been a very trying time for our whole family, with chemo, and now the problems following chemo and the disease itself, we are without. We are also raising our 4 year old granddaughter, so we are strapped financially, and used our savings to get me through the treatments, and I cannot stand the idea of Faith suffering because we cannot afford the surgery that she needs. Thank you for even considering helping us, your kindness does not go unnoticed and I will always be sure to pay it forward. Thank you.”